True Kindness is a place where stories of kindness are shared and opportunities to show kindness presented. Diem Lam, who is believing in using internet/social media to inspire and motivate others to spread kindness to the world. Diem believes that a meaningful life is being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others. A meaningful life is not about acquiring money and other facilities; it is about dedicating your life to help others as much as you can. We must do our good deeds from the heart, not for our fame nor rewards. Instead, we should try to help every individual to understand and find the meaning of life. As human beings, we often ask ourselves, “What is our purpose in life? Why are we here?” The answer to these questions can be answered by our own understandings of how life works. Train our mind to become more peaceful, stop creating suffering for our ourselves, and the world is what we need. We will learn how to be more compassionate, understanding, and happy. Remember, our purpose in life is to find our purpose and give our whole heart and soul to it.